This page provides some advice on how to secure items inside a metal shed/bike store/bike hut, and the shed itself.
Shed crime is on the rise - Bike stores are obvious targets for thieves!
Metal bike stores sometimes have very poor security. They often contain quite high value items, especially bicycles, and quite often several bicycles. They are also quite obvious to thieves in that there is likely to be one or more bicycles in a bike store.
Fortunately, newer bike stores tend to have much better design and, for those older/other stores that need improvement, improving security of metal sheds and of items within them is not that difficult.
Sadly, the attachment points for the locks have historically sometimes been very poor, perhaps using only thin metal and thus leaving them very vulnerable to attack with various tools.
The owner of one shed came to us many years ago for help after all of the locks were disconnected from the hasps/plates by simply snipping the fittings. This was likely done with small bolt croppers in a fairly silent and quick attack, despite that particular shed being in someone's front garden! The locks themselves had been upgraded but that achieved very little in this case as the thief didn't attack them and instead went for the weak points, which were the fittings. Snipping these fixings allowed the thief to open the lid on the shed. If items were not independently locked inside the shed, the thief would likely have helped himself.
Metal Bike Shed Tip #1: Secure the door/lid!
Trying to keep a thief outside the shed is the first aim as, if you succeed, further deterrents are just extras that will hopefully never be tested. This is easier said than done on some metal sheds if they have minimal metal thickness or reinforcement around the fixings. This can mean the hasp arrangement can be quite easy for a thief to attack. It is still worth using a decent lock at each locking position, but you may not want to rely on this alone.
Beware: Even with good locks, some commercial metal bike stores, especially older ones, may not really be that secure at all!
Metal Bike Shed Tip #2: Use a security anchor inside the shed, as well as any locks on the outside!
The owner of the shed mentioned above had, very fortunately, already fitted an anchor inside his shed and he had his high-value bicycles secured to it with a good quality chain. That person had approached us for help in improving the security of his metal shed and we had worked together to develop a variation on our popular Shed Shackle product so that it could be used in metal sheds rather than wooden sheds. This was the first installation of the Metal Shed Shackle, as shown in the photo below. The thief left empty-handed as a result.
This photo shows the Metal Shed Shackle, in red, fixed to the wall at the rear of the shed, and a Protector 11mm chain 2.0m long and Squire SS50CS padlock securing three bikes. Note that the chain goes through the frames of every bike and also the rear wheel of the most exposed bike. Note also that the chain is off the floor.
The Metal Shed Shackle, fitted like this, helps to hold the weight of the chain so it is easier for you to lock the bike(s) and it naturally helps to hold the chain and lock away from the floor so it is harder for a thief to attack.
The setup above could be improved, slightly, by securing the front wheel/the wheels of the other bikes with a D-lock or another/longer chain, but if the wheels are not particularly valuable, this is generally not a high priority. Bikes that do have high-value components can warrant additional security and are more likely to require something like a Protector 13mm chain as the main defence.
Another option, albeit harder to install, could be to fit a Torc ground anchor or an alternative Sold Secure approved ground anchor to gain a higher level of deterrent if the shed is sitting on concrete or if you don't mind the extra effort of laying fresh concrete. A ground-fitted anchor can also be harder to use in a bicycle store as they are at ground level and the frame of the bike is significantly higher. This can also mean that a longer chain will be required. The Metal Shed Shackle avoids these issues through being mounted at a more appropriate height within the shed.
Metal Bike Shed Tip #3: Use a good quality chain and lock and use them properly!
It is important to choose the appropriate type of chain and lock to suit the value of the item(s) to be secured. We have advice on bicycle security that includes guidance on chain selection and use.
Metal Bike Shed Tip #4: Beware if you make modifications to a metal shed you may invalidate the manufacturer's warranty.
It is reasonable that some metal shed manufacturers stipulate that modifications to the structure of the shed may invalidate their warranty. This is reasonable as their warranty may cover aspects such as corrosion prevention so drilling holes through the wall of the shed may cause problems in this regard. However, if security is your primary concern, you may choose to make an informed decision as to your best option. Note that some shed manufacturers offer their own security options that might suit individual shed designs better than an independently-produced generic product from ourselves or other separate manufacturers. We recommend that you do your research and make an informed decision that best reflects your situation and your priorities.
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