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Package Deal: Protector 13mm Chain, Double DIB D-Lock *Out of Stock*

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Package Deal: Protector 13mm Chain, Double DIB D-Lock *Out of Stock* #1Package Deal: Protector 13mm Chain, Double DIB D-Lock *Out of Stock* #2Package Deal: Protector 13mm Chain, Double DIB D-Lock *Out of Stock* #3Package Deal: Protector 13mm Chain, Double DIB D-Lock *Out of Stock* #4Package Deal: Protector 13mm Chain, Double DIB D-Lock *Out of Stock* #5

Package Deal: Protector 13mm Chain, Double DIB D-Lock *Out of Stock*

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*New Package:* Protector 13mm hardened boron steel chain (select length below), plus *two* of our motorcycle-grade DIB-Series D-Lock (select sizes below, twice).

The DIB D-Lock is Sold Secure Motorcycle Gold/Quad & ATV Gold/Bicycle Gold/Motor Scooter Gold approved and the chain is Sold Secure Motorcycle Gold/Bicycle Gold approved.

The chain is 2.9kg/metre; each DIB D-Lock is another 1.5kg (for the 130mm size), or 1.7kg (for the 190mm one). The chain is supplied with usually bronze colour sleeving, and the chain itself is finished with a black electrophoretic coating.

3 keys supplied for each lock = 6 keys altogether.

Keyed-alike available at initial order only (not available retrospectively) when ordering more than one lock together, and only amongst other RL21 locks and/or these/other DIB-Series D-Locks. These locks can't be keyed-alike with any of the Squire locks. Please note that the Keyed Alike option must be selected for *all* other locks in the set that you wish to be Keyed Alike.

The DIB D-Lock is also suitable for use with our other chains up to 16mm gauge.

Noose Chains e.g. for Motorcycle Owners: This special Double DIB package can make an excellent option for portable security for motorcycles. Using a DIB D-Lock has always been a popular option with our chains and this package allows you to get a Double DIB setup at a very special price. You can choose the size of each DIB separately and both ends of the chain can be locked through or around tethering points such as street furniture. The disadvantage vs. a genuine Noose is that this set is heavier, although the DIBs can be carried separately (e.g. one in each pannier).


Price and weight shown are for the package including a 2.0m long chain - Please select alternative lengths below and the price displayed will be adjusted automatically.

The Protector 13mm chain has the following link dimensions (nominal): 106 x 48mm outside; 80 x 22mm inside. It is constructed from 13mm diameter bar and has a fabric sleeve that is usually bronze in colour (adding about 4mm maximum to the width noted above). If you've got a round hole 52mm diameter, the 13mm chain should slide through OK. It will also fit through a rectangular hole, e.g. 52mm x 35mm, but that requires the links to settle against each other, and more closely as the slot gets narrower, down to the absolute minimum of around 52mm x 30mm high (where it would be quite fiddly to get it to go through).

Click for more technical info on the Protector range of security chains.

Please click for more details on the DIB D-Locks.

The following video gives an overview of the Protector 13mm chain (opens in a new window)

The next video gives a quick visual tour of the whole Protector range of chains, from the ultimate Protector Titan chains, through to the Protector 11mm (opens in a new window)

And this video shows how to fit the lock to the chain (opens in a new window)

The following video covers the SFB DIB D-Lock in some detail.

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Manufacturer Pragmasis
Price (inc VAT): £178.70


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