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Protector 16mm Chain Only *Out of Stock*

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Protector 16mm Chain Only *Out of Stock*

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High Security boron steel chain, guaranteed impossible to bolt-crop by hand (select length below). Sold Secure Motorcycle (Powered Cycle) Gold (and all other categories Gold). 9kg in the 2.0m length. The chain is supplied with usually bronze colour sleeving, and the chain itself is finished with either zinc plating or a black finish.

Noose Chain situations: Click for Security Chain plus Multi-Lock Package Deals that can be more versatile than Noose chains previously offered.

Price and weight given are for a 2.0m long chain - Please select alternative lengths below and the price displayed will be adjusted automatically (but not the List Price!).

The Protector 16mm chain has the following link dimensions (nominal): 132 x 62-64mmmm outside; 100 x 30-32mm inside, throughout its length (an elongated end link is not required). It is constructed from 16mm diameter bar. The smallest rectangular hole it will fit through is about 65 x 34mm, but that would also be a tight fit. It is again fitted with a protective fabric sleeve, usually a bronze colour (adding about 4mm maximum to the width noted above).

Click for more technical info on the Protector range of security chains.

The following video gives an overview of the Protector 16mm chain (opens in a new window)

The next video gives a quick visual tour of the whole Protector range of chains, from the ultimate Protector Titan chains, through to the Protector 11mm (opens in a new window)

And this video shows how to fit the lock to the chain (opens in a new window)


127 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Click here to expand and to show more reviews)
Good value
- 09/06/2023
I have bought 3 of these of varying lengths. Never had any issues and work very well with the roundlock which I absolutely love.
16mm chain
- 08/06/2023
This is my second chain to add to my other one.
Excellent product. Not the cheapest but one of the best. Excellent communication from Pragmasis. And delivered as advised…
So top banana….!!
Great chain
- 01/02/2023
Bought the 16mm chain to secure motorbike, really happy with my purchase and would definitely buy again.
Sturdy & heavy
- 30/01/2023
Have set this up on my motorcycle. Wouldn't want to test it, for obvious reasons, but it feels heavy, & the sleeve is very strong. I doubt it will ever see any attack, as it's more than sufficient as a deterrant.
Great service and products
- 16/01/2023
I've had a 13mm chain and Torc anchor for years for my mountain bikes. Just bought a motorbike, so thought I'd upgrade to a 16mm. Stupidly didn't check to see if the lock would fit. Didn't even have to think about where to go for one, so that's on order nread more
Manufacturer Pragmasis
Price (inc VAT): £139.95


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