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Squire SS50-P5 Stronghold Padlock Open Shackle

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Squire SS50-P5 Stronghold Padlock Open Shackle

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High security CEN 3 padlock. Open Shackle version with 5-pin 'P5' cylinder at a great price - 25% discount from RRP! 10 year guarantee from Squire. Sold Secure Bicycle Gold (2023). Perfectly matched to the Protector 11mm chains. Not as secure as the SS50S version that is the same but with the Squire 6-pin cylinder, or as the SS50CS closed shackle lock, but much cheaper than both! Not available keyed-alike. 0.47kg

The light weight of this lock and of the Protector 11mm chain make them ideal for portable use with bicycles.

Note: Not recommended for use with 13mm or larger chains!

4 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Click here to expand and to show more reviews)
Evening Squire
- 11/04/2020
Cheers David quality lock at a competition beating price.
Enough for my bike insurance.
Lovely little lock
- 28/03/2019
A smashing little lock with the usual Squire build.
A bit small for any serious application, but good for additional security
Great padlock at a fine price
- 10/04/2017
The padlock is great, it is steel and not brass, so it is tough if an attack occurs. The 10mm shackle should hold up for some time, even at ground. It depends on weight and tool, if the padlock is up in the air it is much harder. The 5 pin cylinder is notread more
Cycle Lock & Chain Package Deal
- 10/06/2013
Decent quality lock plus 11mm chain for my cycle. It's hefty enough to use on its own, but I also use it with another security device e.g. a D lock depending on where I'm leaving the cycle. It's OK for carrying but obviously if you want some beefed up secread more
Manufacturer Squire
List Price (inc VAT): £53.59
Price (inc VAT): £39.95


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